Hakomi is a holistic approach to massage and bodywork:

Typically, a person comes into a Massage Establishment looking for a nice soothing and relaxing massage.The muscles are tight… they feel tense and are looking for some type of relief.  

A Swedish massage may feel great and may be exactly what you need to relief your daily stresses, but when you find yourself feeling tight again in a day or two, why not decide to try a different method of bodywork: A Deeper and longer lasting Hakomi massage healing may be more helpful with its gentle intention of mindful touch and self-awareness.Hakomi methods may be helpful in helping you to find self-understanding and in letting go of past traumas.

Hakom Massage in Columbus

Hakomi Massage

People who receive massage regularly realize that they feel much better after being touched and contacted on a physical level by a professional with caring and experienced hands.More than 34 million people have discussed massage therapy with their doctors according to the AMTA as a means to relief pain and feel healthier.Often Massage and bodywork helps people feel more balanced, relaxed and closer to their health and wellness goals.A good professional partnership between therapist and client can do wonders.

However, consider that massage can also benefit you on much deeper level if you are willing to try some self-reflective techniques to the arisings of your consciousness. It’s interesting to realize that the mind body & spirit connection acts as a whole.Have you ever noticed when you lie on the table that all your thoughts of the day keep your mind active and and how your feelings are attached to the beliefs? Have you wondered about why your thoughts go outward rather than nourishing the “Self”? These different flows of energy are creatively looking for expressing and integration. When a connection through bodywork touch happens, cells begin to respond in a whole new way. Cellular memory sends this new information to the brain and not only is the body processing, but the whole way in which we relate internally and externally begins to shift into a more open way of living. Hidden memories and beliefs may begin to surface. With Hakomi, this is done in a safe and confidential environment.  Our intention is to help the client to build a strong foundation and then to observe and feel as all these things move through “the self” in a soft and meaningful session.  Hakomi brings the client into a more unitive state of being with its mirroring and compassionate support.

As a Massage Therapist for 15 years, Sharon has mindfully worked with clients to help restore alignment, balance and structural integrity back to her clients. With respect, she meets her clients where they are and with whatever goals they agree upon. If you are looking for a basic massage, that is welcomed. However, if trauma has existed in your life and has not been released.  It may be in your interest during your healing journey to receive mindful sensory input to help you move along on your path to wholeness.  

*Hakomi in this setting is not replacing psychotherapy, but it is helpful in conjunction with talk therapy and will support you in your healing in any case.  

If you have any questions please contact Sharon Hartnett LMT:  

Call:  740 966-5153

Serving the Columbus, Ohio Area


Hakomi Therapy is a a system of body centered therapy developed by Ron Kurtz in the 1970s an which has evolved through the years through the work of the Hakomi Institute. It uses mindfulness, unity, and organicity to explore awareness and the core material that organizes our belief systems.  Hakomi can be very helpful for massage and bodywork clients who have experienced past traumas and have not been able to process through the sensations and feelings with typical therapy alone.

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