Visceral Manipulation, as taught by the Barral Institute, is a gentle and specific manual bodywork technique that focuses on restoring mobility, tone, and motion to the organs and connective tissues. This holistic approach recognizes that motion is a sign of life itself, and through hands-on techniques, Visceral Manipulation practitioners help facilitate the healing process and revitalize the organs.

With years of experience and a deep understanding of the body, Sharon is trained to support the viscera in areas such as the abdomen, pelvis, thoracic, and cranium, encompassing the core body. The approach is detailed, yet mindful and in tune with your body’s needs, employing light touch and soft hands whenever possible.

It is important to note that there are certain contraindications for Visceral Manipulation work, such as acute flare-ups, abdominal aneurysm, bleeding ulcers, thrombosis, hemorrhage, and fractures. Precaution is also taken for individuals with diabetes, certain medications, vein dilation issues, and implanted medical devices.

Rest assured, I always listen and work in harmony with your body’s intelligence to facilitate self-correction. I firmly believe in the innate healing power of your body and strive to help it remember its inherent potential.

Contact Sharon Hartnett, CST-D

703-509-1792 or visit for more information. You can also learn more about Visceral Manipulation at and

Barral Institute