The Barbara Brennan School of Healing
I just got home from a fabulous visit at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. It was a powerful experience for me, presenting to the students for two nights, and helping with a workshop on Sound Healing. There is something so potent and transformative at this school. I could feel that all the students, teachers, and admistrators shared a special bond, and created a powerful community that enlivened and nourished the soul and the Sacred Human Heart.
I remember when I first arrived there as a student 25 years ago. I had read Barbara’s book, “Hands of Light”. That book made me realize that there are other realities different than the one I was experiencing those many years ago. I could see that there was a mystery, and an Unfolding Presence of Self and the Divine that could be palpated not only in the physcial, but the auric field, hara and the Core Start. Once I read that book, I knew that I had to go. Every thing aligned, and off I went.
There I met a wonderful community of gifted healers. We all were there to deepen into our humanity, but also to develop our healership. We learned energy techniques, and inter-relationship skills like, “listening”, “contact” and “Witness, Experience, and Asker” to bring us in the moment. We opened up to our Higher Sense Perception. People were often amazed that they could begin to see energy, to feel it and connect with it to help others awaken the human energy field. This all evolved over the 4 year course. It helped prepare the foundation for those of us who wanted to create positive change in the world. For this I am thankful.
Anyway, to have now gone back and to revisit the magical experience of being with a community that is so dedicated to service and to help the students learn some of the things I have over the last 20 years was a blessing. I felt like I had come full circle standing there, sharing with the group.
I am writing this blog, because I’d like the world to know that there is a place here on earth where people come together to be authentic, that is powerful in transformation, and that is cented on the Sacred Human Heart. It is a place where people can connect at a very deep level, and be seen, heard and acknowledged. It’s a confidence booster, and a place tht allows One to know how to Be in his/her own unique way.
If you have any questions about the school, please feel free to give me a ring. I’d love to talk to you about it.
Sharon Hartnett
703 509-1792