Intimacy Within

Actually most people who find their way to see me are searching to find a deeper intimacy within themselves. The symptoms they usually express include stress, and quite often pain. These though are truly only layers. 

With somatic bodywork, the body tells the history.  Stress and pain walk hand in hand with physical tension. As we age,  with life’s twists and turns, it’s easy to move away from our physical body cues. The body tightens. The tissues contract and fluidity dries up.  We don’t necessarily complete healing processes in real time, and we feel it.  Ultimately, we end up carrying around old unresolved patterns and habits that distract us from our very real and deep Inner Resources and Core. For someone who is trained in Somatic Bodywork, this is easy to see and to feel in the relationship, and by noticing posture and through touch.  For those of us who are ultra-sensitive, we can experience this even being in the energy of the person.

What I have found over the years to be true, is that in order to feel whole and complete, we must become intimate with ourselves through mindful awareness. With Craniosacral Therapy, we as therapists listen to the body intently.  We pay attention to the rhythms and vitality.  We hold space for our clients to meet themselves through the different layers of consciousness by connecting to the Craniosacral and Nervous Systems primarily.  Sometimes this is easy for clients. At other times, it is very difficult to sense and feel who and what we truly are. Quite often as the trust builds, clients will connect with their fears, their tears, and pain, later to watch them dissolve and find new freedom.

In order for a session to be supportive, the Craniosacral Therapist needs to stay neutral, and in respect to the Deeper Well of Wisdom inside.  We Craniosacral Therapists are the mirrors who help people to find the way back home.  And to me, this is back to experiencing their True Selves. That spark that is You, deserves to be found.  There is a great and precious gift waiting to be known.  This is the potential evolution of each individual.

I don’t expect that most people have this experience all the time.  But the more and more we have the moments of Self-Realization, we learn to break negative patterns and to remember our own confidence, love and power.  We find deeper and greater meaning in life.  This does mean taking an intimate look within.  Craniosacral therapy can be a doorway to do this.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

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