I like to keep on top of the research having to do with pain.

After all, my work is geared toward helping people to release their pain and find themselves standing happily on the other side.

What is the process to allowing the pain to melt?

My experience has often told me that in order for the energy of an injury to let go, that in the healing process, the senses will bring awareness to the area of dysfunction.  In many cases, people don’t even know that the pain is stored away in the deep cellular tissue there until it is touched and penetrated.  They’ll say, “oh- I didn’t know that I hurt there.”  Believe it or not, by bringing awareness to old pain,  it is usually is much easier to let go than you would imagine.  Why?  Because the pain is often “soft”.   When you are willing to gently move into the soft pain, there is usually physical and sometimes emotional release.

satisfaction and pleasure

activating the messages of pleasure in the brain.

So when I ran into this article,  I decided to share it.  I believe in feeling deeply to find one’s pleasure.

Let me know what you think about this! Read the Link below:

Pain and pleasure

If we could stop avoiding what is present, we might find that life is much easier than we ever imagined, don’t you think?


Sharon Hartnett

(740) 966-5153
