Choosing Quality

Pain usually gets a bad wrap.  However, have you ever considered that Pain is the body’s ally when it comes to telling you something needs to change?  

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I often touch a person with light or medium pressure, and they’ll surprisingly tell me that they were not aware of a pain in a certain part of their body.  When I used to do deeper Structural Integration Work, people would make faces as they realized how much hurt they were living with inside on a daily basis. The body is quite wise and can usually manage simple healing well. However, what I am talking about is the embedded chronic isolated pain some of us experience, and not ever knowing how to move it through its natural cycle of completion. 

When we get stuck in pain, the body shouts “pay attention”. Yet we may not know how to heal.  Often parents or friends after time will say,  “get over it” or they lack sympathy because they don’t understand the suffering that can accompany chronic pain.  However, we didn’t necessarily ever learn or know how to deal the pain. Instead-we did our best and eventually learned to ignore these precious signals in our body telling our brain something is missing.  But the sensations are still buried there, even when we go numb. The wound festers.

Somatic Emotional Release Work helps us to understand that there are pathways to feeling better.  Working with people for close to 30 years, All the time, I see people rising to find their well of deep resources to heal. Their own mindfullnes and body awareness allows them to travel deep within and to gently lean into the soft pain and release it. In very basic terms, changing our mindset to how we approach healing our pain and feeling it can transform it completely.

Being human, we meet pain many times in our lifetimes. But that doesn’t mean that we have to continue to carry it with us forever.  Whether it emotional or a physical disturbance, meet your pain and find an easier way to move through life.  Many people who look toward body centered work find deep release and feel better in their bodies.

You are Worth Living a Quality Life

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792 


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