Over 25 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches.

How do these people function in their daily lives with debilitating pain?  What happens in their jobs, their home lives and their social lives?

It’s a Challenge!

Migraines can feel like throbbing pain.  People often express a sensitivity to light, sounds and other stimuli. They can experience auras and feel numbness in the body.  They can become nauseous and unable to do much of anything.

So what can help relieve Migraine Headaches?

Current research has found that dilation and constriction of blood vessels in the brain is the main culprit in causing migraine headaches and reactions.  Also, women can experience migraines after the onset of her first menstruation with its fluctuations of hormones.  Doctors have not been able to find a sure cure for migraines, but they have come up with an integrative approach to treat and diminish symptoms.  Some of the things you can do:

  • Keep a journal of foods and other triggers when the migraine comes on.

  • Share information with your physician.

  • Medications may helpful before and after.

  • Preventative herbs have been found to reduce occurrences.  Speak with a professional.

  • Complementary service such as Craniosacral Therapy, Acupuncture or hypnotherapy.

  • Aromatherapy

  • Lifestyle Changes

  • Finding ways to quiet stress such as mediation.

Craniosacral Migraine Columbus

migraine relief

A Craniosacral Approach to Migraines

While migraines are still somewhat puzzling to the medical community, the Craniosacral approach has found some success, especially when used in combination with the above.  The reason why Craniosacral can be helpful is because it is focused on the brain, spine  and surrounding membranes.  The intention is to reduce stress and to relieve any nerve compression or break in nerve conductivity found along the spine and the brain.  The Craniosacral Therapist monitors the cerebrospinal fluid movements and takes corrective measure to help the body to self- adjust in a gentle and balanced manner.  While there are no boney adjustments, when symmetry and amplitude are improved in movement occurs, it is possible too that nerves and blood vessels can be released from restrictive patterns. Flow and internal dialogue can shift things dramatically.

Because there is no sure cure for migraines,  it is best to go on a journey of self-discovery of what works best for you.  With the Craniosacral work, it could take one to ten sessions to find if this is the treatment for you.  

If you have any questions, please contact:

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

Columbus, Ohio

(614) 372-6598


or read the following link from the Mayo Clinic:

Mayo Clinic

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