What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Do you wake up in the morning feeling stiffness or pain in your feet as you stand up?  If so,  you may be experiencing plantar fasciitis.

The thick ligament that connects your heel to toes (along the arch) is called the plantar fascia.  When this tissue is weak, it can cause pain either when you get up or are walking uphill.  The pain may come on gradually or it may feel sharp and immediate. There are a few reasons that can contribute to this condition:  overweight, high arches or flat feet, running, tight achilles tendons, or walking in shoes that don’t support your feet well.

plantar fasciitis

plantar fasciitis

One of the modalities of hands on work that can be very helpful with this condition is myofascial therapy.  In conjunction with rest when necessary, wearing good shoes with arch support, stretching and exercising joints, it is possible to get some relief.  One of the things that needs to happen from a massage perspective is that the fascia all the way from surrounding foot bones and muscles need to find good tone and relaxation balance. Often from improper posture, the fascia can get rotated, twisted or adhere to the bones causing lack of healthy mobility.  I find that by working with the fascia and with the Craniosacral system, that clients have seen wonderful changes as the tissues begin to soften,  unwind as the foot gets more properly aligned.  This work can be done either with patience and a soft gentle touch, or more strongly as long as the therapist is listening and responding to the information they are receiving from the fascia.

It does take time for plantar fasciitis to clear up with many clients.  It’s important to remember though that the stress patterns that created the pain were built over time, and long-term resolution takes time too in some cases.

If your pain continues to get worst, do consult a physician.  They can test and diagnose your condition properly.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

703 509-1792

Serving the Columbus Ohio area