Often people will speak about grounding and yet there is no great definition for what that means.
How do you interpret “Grounding”? Is it a thought? Is it a feeling or a sensation?
At Lighten Up Therapies, the interpretation that we take of grounding is that of “feeling alive in ones body”.
How does one feel vital and strong?
Mindfulness is key to revitalization and restoration. Have you ever had a massage and the simple act of being rubbed and touched left you feeling more connected and relaxed. Yet at the same time…more energy is being transmitted up and down the body and throughout the cells and tissues. Touch reminds the body of new movements and opens up the fascia to enhance flow.The transportation of nutrients being delivered and the removal of waste keeps the body nourished and maintained. The nervous system is recharged and the muscles feel deeply relaxed. Many different levels of our anatomy and physiology are positively affected through ongoing massage.
During a massage session, many clients will fall asleep and that can be wonderful. At the same time, there is also a good opportunity to learn to maintain the benefits by bringing attention to what is organically showing up during the session instead. When clients resource differently with attention, new choices may be made that will actually help the body shift in more efficient movement.
Either way, take some time out of your day to find your grounding. If massage isn’t an option, try walking in nature with inward awareness. Breath in the air and notice how it moves through you and supports you. Pay attention to how your feet hit the ground and feel your alignment in relationship to gravity. There are many ways to nourish with mindful awareness. Find your unique technique to help you feel enlivened and fulfilled.