Massage Therapy with Meditation can be very healing.

While I enjoy helping my clients through a quiet session,  I have also found that teaching basic mindful meditation can bring new awareness, especially with history that finds it way filtering into the moment.

Mindfulness helps clients to bring their attention to a certain focal point.  This can mean following the breath,  noticing sensations,  paying notice to images, colors, smells or any information that shows up.  Usually there is a connection to something from the past that shows up (kind of like “monkey brain” thinking).  For clients who are feeling pain or stuck thinking, they can go straight to that place, and just be with  whatever is happening while being supported and held through caring touch.  Also, clients who have gone through difficult traumas can change shift their perspectives to their “stories” this way with a holistic approach  that can change the brain connection dynamics.  Another direction is to find resources found internally that can offer a new anchoring into something that is not painful.  Thinking in new ways can shift and change on deeper levels.  In a Yale Study I read somewhere recently, it said that mindful practice can stop our thinking from going into a default pattern.  It opens us up the mind which I have also found with clients, helping them to walk away feeling more connected to their true essence and joy.

All people have their needs.  Life will always show and teach us in the moment.  But consider-  what would it be like to have an open listener guide your through mindful bodywork and massage?

I like to work with the Craniosacal System and SomatoEmotioanal Release techniques especially.  But I also work with Hakomi and Brennan Healing Science not as a psychotherapist, but as a coach to facilitate mind body and spirit connection.

If you want to WAKE UP to your true potential, start by breaking away from all the negativity that you can unlearn.  It’s that simple.

Meditation is simple is only a commitment is made to open up!


Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI, BHSP

sharon hartnett

(740) 966-5153

Serving the Columbus Ohio Area




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