Looking for the Perfect Mothers Day Gift? How about a Craniosacral Therapy Massage (CST)?
What? You have never heard of Craniosacral Therapy?
Well, if you have not experienced a CST Session then you don’t know on what you are missing out!
Craniosacral Therapy is a light touch form of bodywork that listens to the Craniosacral System that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord and applies gentle techniques to balance and nourish the whole body. CST can be helpful for deep relaxation, renewed energy, ADHD, learning disabilities, fibromyalgia, MS and so many different afflictions that slow people down.
Craniosacral Therapy for Mothers Day
Mother’s Day is coming around the corner and now is the perfect opportunity to try something new and feel the benefits of this deep form of relaxation and rebalancing.
For a Cranosacral Therapy Massage or Energy Healing appointment Call: Telephone: (614) 372-6598
$10.00 off for anyone who calls before Mothers Day 2013!
For more on Craniosacral Therapy, www.upledger.com