How can we change the stress level of our world?

Today I was reading a blog that I found very interesting speaking about the way our children learn. The primary point was that the author wants to help children to stop becoming information storage containers and to start become more creative and innovative. I loved hearing that. While he focused on this segment of our population where it all begins, I broadened the idea in my head to a “Stress Revolution” for everyone. What would it be like if one, then two, then three until the whole world could let go of our stressful thinking…. all the things that we have learned that are conflictual and painful?

My thought is that it is first necessary for adults to want to begin to see that where they identify their belief systems that are not necessarily reality, but rather only a shade of the truth. Then they must question and examine their thinking as well as the actions and consequences of their decisions if a healing awakening is to occur. When we begin to see the suffering in our own lives and how it affects our relationships, it will then be possible to be courageous enough to let go of our erroneous beliefs and give our next generations a more clear and hopeful future. A moto that I have believed for some time , “Let Peace begins with Me” comes to mind as I write this.

STress Relief

A World without Stress…. Peace

Hmmmm. Could you imagine a world where we didn’t adhere to anything that brings about suffering? A place where we can turn around our environment, our communities, politics and spiritual practices?

I know it sounds like Utopia. But is it really impossible to live in a world where our children work in cooperation, peace and unity with still being able to maintain their individualism and spark? A place where one religion is not wrong and another right? A place where governments truly listen to the people and represent the good of the total?

I am not sure that this will happen in my generation, but the spread of something wonderful is happening. There are people who are learning to disengage from suffering, and bringing this new consciousness to others. One of my teachers is Byron Katie at, . But there are many others. Through meditations, prayer, inquiry- many people are awakening and expanding the consciousness of peace.

If you are suffering or are at war with anything in your life…now is the time to change not only your inner landscapes, but also become an active participant in the Stress Revolution.

Set a clear intention for peace…

Seek others who want peace..

Work on your own personal relationships…

Come together in questioning and opening to something new.

Be creative in finding new action to change the world.

Yes, it all begins with me:)


Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST