Whatever unhappiness rests in your life may be because you have forgotten the Truth of your Soul.

It’s so easy to get caught up in everything you believe.  The outside world can be so enticing and easy to get lost in.

We are taught from an early age that this is this and that is that.  We identify with objects and people so that our mind takes precedence over our sacred human hearts.  We forget that love is what leads the Universe rather than our thinking.

Finding Truth through the Sacred Human Heart

Finding Your Truth


So how do you get in touch with your Authentic Soul, the reason of your Being?

7 ideas to help you Change your Life:

  1. Question Your Thinking…   When you have lost your joy of life,  your thinking is usually out of alignment with truth.  You’ll find the truth when you truly pay attention.
  2. Listen to the Kindness of your Heart.  So often- our minds are the master of our lives.  What if we turned that around?
  3. Mindfulness:   Slowing down into the Moment to explore your sensory and emotional relationships.  When we take the time to BE with reality, it’s easier to re-discover the joy and grace that has been there all along.
  4. Recognize your Inner Critic.  How many times have the old beliefs that you heard growing up start repeating themselves in your head?  Look now with fresh eyes and a fresh outlook.
  5. Invite Life to BE your teacher rather than trying to control life.  There is no such thing as control so best to let go of that concept.
  6. Try positive statements while looking in the mirror that reflect your core qualities.  So often people get the wrong message about who they are.  Try out life affirmations and let them drop into your consciousness with awareness.  For example,  say,  “I am beautiful”.  And watch the negativity melt away as you stay firm in your intention to know the truth rather than the negative banter in your head.
  7. Ask for help.  So many people have been told that it is important to do it alone.  Well,  that simply is not the truth.   While I am not advocating becoming overly attached with boundary issues, I am suggesting that when you do feel limited, to explore outside the box.  This is done by asking for guidance or having someone else lead you into a more wide spiritual realm of seeing things.  We are not meant to be alone.

The Truth of Your Soul is that you are love.  When all illusion is dropped, we will all hold hands as individuals living in harmony, but also being in peace simply because we know we are all part of the Creative Process of Being One in Unity.

The World of Duality is a challenging way to live.  But by exploring life with openness and curiosity,  one is able to raise the consciousness of darkness and expand all of life into the Light.

My Thoughts for the Day,

Sharon Hartnett LMT

(740) 966-5153
