SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is just what it means…

Somato means relating to the human body.

Emotional is characterized by intense feelings.

Release is freedom!

What is different about SomatoEmotional Release Work with Craniosacral Therapy that other therapies?

With Craniosacral Therapy, the therapist focuses on the myofascial tissues, but primarily on the Craniosacral Rhythm as a guide to help release restrictions in the body that maintain stress patterns. As we listen intently to the quality, symmetry, rate and amplitude of the rhythm, we ask the Inner Physician within to lead the way to self healing and self discovery.  This often leads us into disorganized energy and tissues, and possibly into a layer of emotions.  An experienced Craniosacral Therapist will then gently encourage its expression to release the body into more freedom and mobility. Many other types of possible therapy might be either massage or psychotherapy.  SER in particular, while it is not psychotherapy, allows for the mind, body and spirit to reconnect and bring more balance and awareness on many levels.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy Columbus

Craniosacral Therapy is a very gentle type of therapy that focuses on connection with the central nervous system. Often people who are feeling overactive internally will feel quiet and calm. Others who feel lethargic pick up energy as they come closer to equilibrium. SER, with it full spectrum experiencing, gives space for the unfolding of blocked patterns into expression and presence.

If you feel like your emotions are stopping you from relaxing and enjoying your life, or that the tension in your body is causing pain, SomatoEmotional Release work may be just the right thing for you.

If you have any questions, please call Sharon Hartnett LMT at 740 966-5153