I have seen Dr. Oz on the news quite a bit lately.

Not sure that I would buy many of the products that Dr. Oz talks about,  but I do like that he is open minded and educates the  American public about natural remedies as well as conventional medicine.

From my understanding, he does not endorse these products, but rather discusses them. He has clearly said that if products put his name on them, that is done without his approval.

Personally,  while I appreciate pharmaceuticals when needed, we do need more doctors who are not invested in profits/companies who care about people understanding options rather than being  only out for themselves.  Thank you Dr. Oz for putting the information out and allowing us to decide for ourselves.

For a New article by the Huffington Post, Read:   Dr. Oz

Massage Columbus

Dr. Oz

Hopefully,  you did see his stories on Craniosacral Therapy and Structural Integration (Rolfing).  Two excellent forms of massage and bodywork that work towards healing and wellbeing.

If we want to heal and find the best proactive health plan for us as individuals,  forget the far out marketers- and research to find the best integrative plan for you!

Written by Sharon Hartnett

(614) 372-6598
