Tell Me About the Craniosacral System
Craniosacral System 101
Alright, Friends! Today, we’re going to learn about something really cool called the Craniosacral System. It sounds a bit complex, but don’t worry—I’ll explain it in a way that makes sense!
Let’s begin by by speaking about your brain and spinal cord. Imagine that these are the control center of your whole body. Like a big computer. The Seat of Intellgence.
Many essential functions begin here. Communication and information travels and brings alive your day to day functioning throughout your body.
The craniosacral system is like a special protective system for your brain and spinal cord. It’s like a friend who keeps the CNS healthy!
Here’s how it works:
- Cranio = “skull” or “head,” and sacral = “sacrum,” which is the part at the bottom of your spine.
- Inside your skull, there’s something called the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This is mainly created in the ventricals of your brain. It’s like a cushion of fluid that surrounds and moves through your brain and spinal cord. This fluid is super important because it helps protect your brain and spinal cord from injury, and it also helps remove waste that your brain doesn’t need.
- The fluid moves around your brain and spinal cord in a rhythm, like gentle waves. This rhythm can be felt as it expands and contracts, and that’s where the name “craniosacral” comes from—the fluid moves from your head (cranium) down to your sacrum (at the bottom of your spine), kind of like a wave traveling back and forth. This can be felt by a trained Craniosacral Therapist.
So, basically, the craniosacral system is like a big, soft, protective wave that keeps your brain and spine safe. It’s very important for keeping your body healthy and balanced.
Many people don’t know much about the Craniosacral System yet. However, with the teaching of Dr. John Upledger, of the Upledger Institute, thousands and thousands of students across the world have learned to be skillful and experienced in this gentle yet profound work. Craniosacral Therapists are fairly easy to find now. In the last 50 years or so, Craniosacral Therapy has become more popular as people are speaking about the many benefits. It’s especially wonderful for deep relaxation, stress relief and in releasing tension and pain.
To find the best Craniosacral Therapist for you, check out the Upledger Page.