Looking for some Neck Pain Relief?

  1. I really like to stay with the basics when it comes to neck pain, and say that hands-on massage work is one of the best things to reduce it. So that is my first tip. Find a good Massage Therapist who has great recommendations. When your neck is bothering you, this is not a luxury, but rather an essential for your health and wellbeing.  Being proactive is a lot less expensive than surgery, and it much easier.
  2. I have found this great new gadget on the internet called Dr Riter’s Real Ease.  I have no financial link to this item, but have tried it myself and with clients, and we all love it.  It is so comfortable and relaxes the neck muscles.  I know when I use it, my whole body starts to relax also. I found this on Amazon.
    neck pain relief

    Neck Pain Relief



  3. Believe it or not,  often neck pain can result from a misaligned pelvis.  A chiropractor can help you to restore better posture in conjunction with soft tissue work.  A healthy pelvic girdle and spine support a healthy neck.
  4. Stop bending over to look at your I phone and computer.  Either prop up your technology or get a proper ergonomic chair and working station.  Almost every client who walks into my office these days has forward head.  That ends up being a lot of weight that is being carried incorrectly.
  5. Research good pillows.  There is nothing worst than waking up with a stiff and painful neck.  Personally, I bought mine at Brookstone.  They have a good selection, and it helps me to sleep well on my back.  However there are many other brands.  My chiropractor sold me one which was quite nice which I found on this page too.

While neck pain is a common ailment, it does not make it any easier when it hurts.  If it stays persistent, even with heat//cold treatment, go see a physician. Neck issues should not be ignored.  Be proactive in your health!

Sharon Hartnett LMT   740 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio
