Does Craniosacral Therapy help you to heal longstanding chronic pain, anxiety, stress?

It’s a great question.

The best that I can tell you is that in my 25+ years of bodywork practice, I have switched over my practice primarily to Craniosacral Therapy (CST) because I do see how much it benefits my clients.

Day after day, I see people relax and feel better than when they walked in.  The most notable change is when a client comes in each week for a period of time.  Why?  because with CST, we are addressing the Central Nervous System to find a way to heal itself.  We facilitate the change, but we only do this by listening to your body’s own Inner Wisdom to heal.  And as it was your mind and its relationship to your body that made all the choices to get to the point of pain, the mind must awaken and find another way to live.  One that is kinder, gentler and more open.  When stress leaves your body on a deep level, you’d be amazed and how much easier life becomes.  It takes time to undo and unlearn all the bad habits from the past, and to create a more free authentic way of living for yourself.

Does it work is a subjective perspective for the client most often.  From a therapist perspective, I feel the changes happening underneath my hands and fingertips.  Fascia is unwinding, and organs and muscles find better motion.  It feels like everything is becoming more revitalized and balanced.  However, some clients feel a lot happening if they are sensitive to their bodies, and for others who don’t usually pay attention physically, they may not feel much at all.  But that does not stop the work from doing what it needs to do to help produce more peace, alignment and yes- joy in the body.  It’s always important for a therapist to meet the client where they are, and help them journey inward to release and integrate dysfunctional issues, and to bring a person back to center.  This can take time and patience.  It usually does. In the longrun, I have seen lives changed dramatically in a positive way.

Sometimes I get clients in who want to be fixed in a day.  This doesn’t work. Clients may feel a big shift in one session.  I know that I have gotten off the table when I was a client myself, and felt like I had moved through lifetimes of stuckness which released.  But to get the full effects, life is a process.  We are multi-dimensional beings that have to shed behaviors and habits that no longer serve our bodies and our sense of self.   This is not usually a one day fix.  Rather- it is a commitment to work through whatever is holding you back so that you can lovingly break through and make a better “Present”.

I would recommend that people try at least 10 sessions.  Yet usually one experiences an integrative positive change in 3.  Sometimes the work is so subtle.  Yet, usually after this amount of work, clients get off my table and remark how much different they feel, for the better.  It has often been gradual, but it is more permanent than other types of bodywork/massage that I have practiced or received.  So yes, Craniosacral Therapy Works.  But you’ll have to try it yourself to have yor own experience!  It’s important to invest in making yourself see yourself as valuable enough to show up and receive.

The belief that I carry with intention, is that we are all worthy of feeling great and aligned in our lives, so that we can create abundantly and with peace and joy.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792






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