Craniosacral Therapy

Have you noticed the suffering that passes through the generations?

By taking a stand for your own health and wellbeing, you can give back that which came before you, and set good boundaries for those who try and pull you into the family drama.

Craniosacral Therapy is a kind and powerful set of techniques that listens to the wisdom of your body. The tissue tensions release and often clients find themselves discovering more clarity as emotions release and integrate, and images and beliefs surface into the present. The body holds our history, and when the compensations release- our past habits do as well. Our organization in how we interact with the world changes.

Unlearning painful family dynamics, and discovering your power of voice and creative is freeing and sets you on your own course. Your fate belongs to you.

If you would like to find out more about Craniosacral Therapy, please feel free to give me a call for a free 10 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
Craniosacral Therapist Columbus
703 509-1792