Calming Anxiety

I could get into the physiology of the body to explain why Craniosacral Therapy helps alleviate anxiety. Instead, I want to talk about gentle touch and listening.  How beneficial it is for all human beings to be in a supportive physically safe experience.  Anxiety doesn’t have to run your life.

What I have noticed with many of my clients who suffer from constant anxiety, is that often 1: They were not held much in safe arms. 2. They were in environments where there was lot of verbal and physical abuse. 3. They weren’t allowed to express how they felt. 4. Some type of abrupt trauma occurred.

Most of us have heard of the autonomic response of fight or flight. With the engagement of the sympathetic system, there is a chain reaction of body responses that happen to protect.  That’s the short explanation of anxiety.

When there isn’t an opportunity to process these stressful events, a person may continue to hold the energy of the event/s that brought on the fear inside.  The brain also gets hardwired and often gets very hypersensitive. What makes this even more difficult, is when the original issue is not cleared, the way a person interacts in the future can re-create more examples and overlays of the original fear and anxiety.

I think it’s important to ask- what was missing in those times of stress and fear?  What turned healthy fear into ongoing anxiety?

Craniosacral Therapy directly addresses that question. First a therapist brings a neutral presence into a session. A place that feels safe and nurturing. Secondly, the therapist listens and melds with the person as they begin to move through a process that was left incomplete. This is done with gentle touch and care, along with techniques that work to balance the Craniosacral System (CSS). When the CSS is functioning well, it helps to balance the overly sympathetic Nervous System.

When someone is living with anxiety, it’s important to get grounded, to embody, and to feel safe again. This is done through a trusting relationship, that will bring you what was missing in the original situation where it felt like there was a real or perceived threat.

If you would like to find out more about how Craniosacral Therapy can help you-if you are experiencing high anxiety, PTSD, or panic attacks, call Sharon Hartnett for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


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