Are You Suffering from Chronic Pain?

Chronic Pain is a persistent state  When pain lasts longer than 3 months it’s considered chronic pain.

Chronic Pain shows up in the body in people dealing with; arthritis, cancer & its’ treatments, headaches & migraines, nerve damage, lyme desease, people surviving traumas,  and fibroymalgia.  The list goes on.

I had had clients go to their doctors and the best thing that is offered are medications.  While medication has it’s place and can be helpful, there is also an integrative approach that can be more holistic. Looking at the whole person is key to helping people deal with chronic pain on a daily basis.  Having a healing team to support is vital.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, what we offer is a “Listening” to the Body’s Craniosacral System.  There are rhtyms and pulses that we feel.  Our hands are directed toward toward the key essence places in the essence of your nervous system.  To me, it feels like everyone has a deep well of resource inside that knows how to get the body feeling better.  All it needs is a nudge.  The body knows what to do next.

My job as a Craniosacral Therapist is to support and help your own healing abilities to bring about self-correction and self-healing. Your body on some level has chosen to go awry.  And it also needs to learn to return back to health the best it can in order for you to feel better in your body.

When the internal environment of your body is functioning better through manual work, if opens a window.  But also we must look at other things like life style, nutrition and the external environment in which you live too.  How is your mental state?  Because often people feeling chornic pain are anxious and live in depression.

I really wished we had a health care system that looked at the whole person.  We deserve a better model to really see us and acknowledge our pain.  But even more importantly, we need a team of people to help us to optimize our own inner resources to turn things around.  Begin where you can.

I will say, as being one part of the cogency, that I do see improvement in people who come to see me quite reqularly.  With the somatoemotional support they are experiencing their connection to the whole more fully.  They can feel this mentally, emotioanlly and also physically.

While Chronic Pain is a continuing set of symptoms. Craniosacral Therapy can enhance a person’s wellbeing.  Get support.  It can change your life!

For more information on Craniosacral Therapy, check out the Upledger Page.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. Worthington, Ohio 43031

chronic pain
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