
Wellbeing is an Intention

I don’t know about you all. For me, growing up, life was quite often about others rather than my own wellbeing. How they were feeling. What they wanted or didn’t want.  Building up the other just so there was some peace. When things were settled, everything was great.  On the other hand, when that shoe dropped,  cater cater cater.  I learned to do whatever I could to make sure everyone was as happy as possible.  In childhood, I don’t think I even realized there was a “Self” who had real needs too. Neglect is a silent wound. Not until I grew up did I begin to realize the void.

For a kid, that’s a big burden to carry.  Too big really. In the order of things, it was never my place to try so hard just so I could feel secure in the family. As a child like this grows up, often in relationships, the young person doesn’t learn how to ask or how to receive openly and with trust necessarily. It’s a foreign concept.  Into maturity, this leans even further into supporting the “other” at a huge cost.  The cost being “Sense of Self”.  Sometimes, this could even move into agreement to abusive relationships.

As a Craniosacral Therapist and Healer for about 30 years, I have had to truly look inward to discover my True Self. To find my own sense of power. To Live in Integrity. Still, in my 60’s, there is sometimes residual clutter that causes my attention to move outward and about even now.  It takes a strong intention to learn how to stay “Present’ and in Service at the same time. It take a commitment and alot of compassion toward the Self, and towards others.

The biggest lesson I learned was to create a healthy boundary if I wanted wellbeing in my life.  I learned to listen and take in as much as I could in relationships. As long I made decisions that felt healthy.  However, when it was enough, my feet began to know how to walk away instead of leaving myself.  For a long time now, I know that I deserve wellbeing. I now embody that sense of Self.  When I take care of myself, I have more depth and space to be in presence for others too.


Don’t wait too long to claim your own sense of power back.  If something inside hurts inside because of the person you are with, or the current circumstances in life are overbearing, walk away.  Don’t let the narcissists and the bullies win this game of life.  Instead find out what you are made of. Sometime wellbeing means walking away and being in your own space.  By gifting yourself this, you will be surprised how incredible you truly are indeed!


Mindful centered Meditation is a great place to start.  This practice involves focusing on the present moment without judgment.  A daily meditation routine can reduce stress, increase concentration and improve overall mental health and wellbeing.

Joy to you!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792



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