CST and Energy Healing Blog

Working with Fascia

EDUCATING PEOPLE ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF FASCIA TYPE OF THERAPY by, Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST 703 509-1792 I have been working with Fascia as a primary type of massage for about 17 years. One of the most difficult things about this incredible type of work is...

COVID 19 and Healing

COVID 19 and Healing

It’s a bit surreal. For the most part, our lives have changed dramatically in the last month.  Most of us are staying at home, isolating ourselves.  Others are working in essential businesses.  And then there are our nurses and doctors on the front line.

What you can do it take good care of yourself.  Turn off the news for a bit, and focus on what is working well in your wellness.  We keep hearing about all the cases and the deaths.  But there are many people moving through this to the other side.  People are taking right action to help others too.

You probably have more time on your hands now if you are staying at home.  So what can you do?

1.  Start a Meditation Practice.

2. Get things done that have been on your to do list for a long time.  Enjoy the experience because you finally are able to enjoy the process of finishing something up.

3.  Find ways to move in the house.  Or take long walks where there are not many other people.

4.  Do something creative.  Maybe art work.  Write. Do a scrap book.  If you have children, let the inspire you.  This time can be very special for your family or your alone time.

5.  Create a Vison Board for how you would like to shape your life after this pandemic.  Find old magazines, form a collage,  and set an intention for your future.

If there is something that is keeping you from your best.  This is also a good time to receive Energy Work Sessions.   For close to 30+ years I have worked with clients long distance, helping them to move through obstacles to cross the bridge into their dreams.  And then into the reality that their longing leads them into.

If you feel like you could use some help, call me.  Sharon Hartnett CST-D, Hakomi Practitioner, Trauma Specialist and Brennan Healing Pratitioner.

703 509-1792







Discover a Grounded Energy Healer Right here in Columbus!

Discover a Grounded Energy Healer Right here in Columbus!

Energy Healer Sharon Hartnett Sharing….

I watched an energy healing on the Goop Lab recently. I was very glad to see someone professional actually talking about Energy Work in a positive way! People in Columbus, Ohio have been calling me as a result of this, and I am happy that they are open and excited about hands on energy healing now.

Yet I must admit-that most sessions don’t look quite like what happened with Julianne Hough.  

First off, Julianne is obviously very health conscious and one of the best dancers in the world. It’s easy to see how attuned to her body she is.  Also, it is clear how her energy is aligned and connected to John Amaral.  He is the Healer who waved his hands over her with the result of spontaneous body movement.

This type of session is absolutely possible, but it really is a combination of different factors between the person doing the work and the client on the table which determines how the energy session shapes

My training as an Energy Healer was 8 years at the renown Barbara Brennan School of Healing.  Also, I have been attuned to Reiki, and I know there is some energy work that happens with Craniosacral Therapy (CST) I do.  Although, the CST is steeped more in science with the physiological Craniosacral System and Central Nervous System.

During a session with me, my clients keep their clothes on. I listen to their energy field, and find out what is metabolizing well, and what is not.  I trust that the Light Inside will lead me to facilitate any auric field transformation that is ready to happen.  Most of this happens in the 4 dimensions: physical, auric field, hara and in the Core Star.

Some clients feel energy flow, connections happening on the more structured level of the energy field. Other may start to connect their hearts more deeply or perhaps even have spiritual experience. The experience really depends on what is unique to each person’s path.

Since the show, I have read doctors calling this work melarchy and such.  But I am not sure that they have ever really opened up and given energy work a chance.  When a person closes off to the more subtle aspects of existence, how can they find the truth?  When a certain group of people believe that their way is the only “right” way, how can they experience something new?

So many people are coming to Integrative Therapies.  Mostly because the Western Medical Model is lacking in many ways.  Yes- I have been helped tremendously at times from surgeons.  But so much more is missing.  Most of us have experienced this, and go searching for something more.

I don’t believe that we, as healers, heal.  Nor do I believe that physicians heal.  But any person can touch another in a certain way, and help that person find his/her way back to Wholeness inside. When people do healing work, it is more than trying to “fix” the physical.  We are helping our clients to come back into their own Self-Empowerment to bring healthier choices back to them.

My job is to help you discover your own Inner Healing Resources to change your fate toward Optimal Health.  I hope that one day physicians will open their minds to working more side by side in the healing field.  Afterall, what is most important is that people find what they are looking for.

With Energy Work, many of my clients often feel much more calm, clear and healthier.  They address their di-sease process physically, emotionally, in a heart centered way, and also spiritually on many occasions.

Connection is so integral to our growth and healing journey.  Energy Healing can be very supportive in this.  If you are interested in finding out more,  I offer a free one time 15 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, Brennan Pracititioner

703 509-1792



Navigating Through Life More Easily!

Navigating Through Life More Easily!

What is Somato Emotional Release (SER)?

What’s wonderful about this healing modality is that it listens deeply to the Craniosacral Rhythm.When something goes awry, the therapist can dialogue with that part of the body or directly with the experience. Sometimes this is buried emotion in the cellular memory. While this is not psychotherapy, it is a gentle path to Self-Discovery. It is built on trust and can also help relieve pain syndromes.  When emotions can move freely, often the body can relax and rejuvenate.

If you have any questions- feel free to contact me.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

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