Have you heard of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing?

If not, you have missed out on this generations’s wave of Energy Healing that has been incorporated into so many new healing practices across the globe. The School’s many graduates are working in many countries bringing about positive transformation and healing. This may show up as an individual’s journey, using techniques in the workplace, working with clients in a practice, through teaching others, to writing books and influencing others on a large scale. Whatever the case, this school has changed the face of the world in which we live. This work has opened our minds and hearts to a new vision.

The Barbara Brennan School became most popular in the 1990’s. Pioneered by Dr. Barbara Ann Brennan, the schools foundations were initiated by a group of well trained teachers taught under this gifted healer. She would guide them and share her meditations and guidance to bring more awareness to the Human Energy Field and how to heal. For many years she did School Healings and Channeled “Seeds of Spirit”. Thousands of healers have received instruction and have taken this transformational energy healing work out into the world to do good.

Energy Healing in Columbus Ohio

Barbara Brennan Columbus

Healing through the Human Energy Field

Barbara Brennan
Her “Hands of Light” book sold in the millions. Students flocked to her school with different hopes, but with a common intention to heal and bring healing to world.

In the late 1990’s I was one of the many who finally made it to the doorstep of the school up in New York. It was an exciting time because I had finally found a teaching that made sense to me. The four dimensions that are still taught in the book are based on a variety of old teachings and were brought into a cohesive text that is easily teachable for those ready to learn and to grow. Over my first four years there, I read that book and other materials over and over as the skills were taught. My life experiences opened up and my conscious perspective on life shifted dramatically. I learned to perceive the energy field through my vision, sensing and empathy. Sometimes, my experiences of Higher Sense Perception expanded to hearing sounds, music, and guidance. Finally, this reaching beyond with knowing became a natural part of my daily life. One might think that this was a special thing, but I looked around and could see the rest of my peers becoming more present and awake too. It was and adventure to be at the Barbara Brennan school with all my fellow visionaries. We had all come together with a purpose and a plan of some sort to bring meaning into our lives and make an impact on the world.

After four years under my belt, I decided to go back and study two more years in the advance work, and another two years to do Supervision. The energy of the school and the profound changes within the community and how it touched others urged me forward. In my own healing practice, the focus of my work changed depending on where I was focused in the moment. Most recently, my gears have shifted from the energy work to the Awakening Skills mixed with Craniosacral Therapy. Most importantly, all the wonderful tools I learned about characterology, holding a healing response, chelations, hara, and Core Start taught me how to help others to align with fulfilling their optimal health and manifesting true change. I found that one of the best ways to feel good about oneself is to be able to find meaning in relationship. In the healer-client relationship, one always centers first. But thereafter, the focus is on the client and moving out of the way to allow the work to unfold. The mystery of the energy work removes blocks and allows the field to renew and re-energize. Clients often get up at the end of a session and know that something important has happened. It’s a joy to be part of the process of helping others.

Since the turn of the millennium, many schools have popped up that are also quite good at teaching energy dynamics. But there is a special place for me in my heart where I studied and taught on the Faculty at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. It was there that a community of ongoing people have and are still creating a healing thread that impacts the earth in so many ways. With each person’s individual gift, something incredible and fantastic happens. Even now, as I supervise students, I am aware of the movement the soul that happens there. I am gladdened by the way this is passed forward.

Even though I have studied many courses/trainings since, I still like to recommend the Barbara Brennan School to people who are interested in learning a thorough curriculum of healing and transformation. There is no other place like this that I have ever seen or witnessed.

I have been so blessed for my teachers and friends that I met there too. The Sacred Vessel of the Barbara Brennan School is a place where you will rediscover Who You Are and how to move toward living in your full potential.

If you have any questions about the school or this work, please contact me any time, Sharon Hartnett LMT 740 966-5153
