Disappointment and It’s Consequences

Are you one of those people that always seems to be unhappy about something?

You plan something and work hard, but the end result never seems to be what you hoped for.

Living in the cycle of disappointment isn’t the easiest road. Every time your creative force is put into action, it gets caught up in the dream. The thoughts, the energy in your actions- is actively set into motion through your beliefs and the effort you put in to build upon them.

The excitement is palpable.  You can breath it, smell it, touch it if you dare.  You have a new reason to get up and live for. You find meaning in life. Why not go after the “dream”?

Yet does your final product ever end up looking how you planned?

Have you ever taken time to notice what is permanent and what is not? As you look into the world in which you live, find one thing that remains the same forever.  Is that possible? Have you yet realized that change is always happening here on earth.

The moment you reach out your hand and try to grasp something, the form or the  object has already transformed into something new.  Observation in itself brings change to that which is being observed.  That is the way here on earth as perceived by human beings.  When you look carefully,  each supposed structure has its own unfolding, and its own relationship to everything else. And until we realize that we are all the center of the universe- living and pulsing, interconnected and empty in the void as One Being, we will experience the cycles of life and death and all that goes with it. Each point a living organism reaching, connecting, withdrawing, nothingness… going through its different cycles like a spiral.

In these cycles of creativity,  for something to be real and to last eternally all expectations need to be dropped.  The dream needs to be broken. It’s necessary to rip yourself apart from the necessity to be adhered to something that is only meant to be a momentary human experience.  It’s not reality of all things. How often does one witness, the whole situation?  Indeed,your dreams are only fragments of the truth.
Suffering is when we try to cling onto something that will never stay the same and in fact is only an illusion.  The only way  to break the cycle of disappointment is to acknowledge what is in the moment as something whole and complete. Explore the moment fully with the senses and your feeling body.  Mindfulness is a good entry way into this state of being.  Slow down and find the gratitude that does live inside of you for what is showing up here on earth. Awakening is a process of shattering the dream and finding the truth of what is real.  
Next time you find yourself feeling disappointment,  use a whole new fresh approach to your life.  Count your blessings even if this only the first act of your personal paradigm shift.  Find even the smallest speck of light and re-connect from there.  Bring it into you and outside of you.  Bathe in the light.  Spread the light.  Be generous.  Give to the places where you least want to give.  Stop holding back. Open your arms and spread them wide.  Be vulnerable.  Open up.  Embrace the Universe for what it is… as vulnerable as that may feel.  Feelings of sadness and grief may show up.  You may end up feeling angry or upset.  
But my friends, this is how suffering ends…

Disappointment can only rule your life is you cling to it.  It dissolves as we unleash the beliefs we hold about ourselves and others, and let go of our future expectation.


There is so much to look for forward in today.  But it will never quite be what you imagined.  Thank God for the mystery!

Letting go of your Dreams to Live in the Truth.


Thoughts for the day…

Sharon Hartnett LMT and Brennan Healing Science® Practitioner