Sports Conditioning with Massage in Columbus

Sports Massage is a Specialty.

It is focused on performance.

Many different techniques have been used to help athletes work optimally.  Just to name a few:  friction, stretching, range of motion, effleurage, compression, and deep strokes have been part of a typical routine to help circulation, lymph flow, and enhanced neurological functioning.  Massage can be enjoyed before or after an event based on the needs of the athlete.

I like to think that there is an even better way to help sports-oriented people feel and challenge themselves.

Structural Integration which is based on fascia and myofascial relationships is key in allowing the body to release tension, rotations, and restrictions.  When I have worked on athletes, young and old alike,  I have seen dramatic changes which have increased mobility and allowed more space for the body to lengthen and perform better.  Clients are amazed at how this type of work helps where others have not!

In the best 10 series, clients connect to their line.  What this means, is that a vector of sorts is felt from their grounding to the top of the head which allows them to move more freely in relationship to gravity.  Being in alignment creates better efficiency in rest and in motion!  During a 10 Sessions Set,  the Structural Integration Therapist starts with the upper body, and then moves to the lower, and then integrates superficially.  After that, the work deepens into core and continues to balance and re-educate the athlete to work with more ease.  By the last session, well- everything comes together in a new way.  Clients feel more energized.


sports massage columbus

sports massage columbus

The three areas that most athletes call for a massage visit that I see are:

1.  Performance Enhancement- Bringing symmetry, more vitality and balance into the body.

2.  Sore Muscles

3.  Injury/Restoration/Scar Tissue

Working with the fascia can be extremely beneficial in all three of these areas.

If you would like to find out more,  call: Sharon Hartnett, LMT, SI, CST, and Brennan Healing Science. at:

740 966-5153 

East of Columbus, Ohio