The Evolution Leap
The Evolution of You
The World is changing and so are you. Do you want to climb aboard the Peace Train or continue to live in the past? Often we look at things that collapse as a negative thing. But endings always bring about new beginnings. Destruction gives way to birth. In the rubble of the old, you will find life stirring, waiting to resurrect into motion and creativity.
Most of us have places inside our individual selves, but also in care of our communities and planets where we want to be in service to something greater than life as we know it. There is a spirit to life that dances in the heart of every human being. Our evolution is based on freeing our minds from old paradigms of existence to a more heart centered way of living. As we wake up to our real power, we begin to realize that we are constantly co-creating on this planet and this opportunity gives us the chance to find meaning in each and every moment. So why are so many people feeling lost and apart from the whole?
The Evolutionary Leap
Peace begins with you and with me. We have the chance to look within to begin the journey of healing ourselves and the planet. As interconnected beings, we can wake up to the importance of treating ourselves and others with more compassion and kindness over and over again. However, in order wake up, one must be committed to the disassembling of all that you hold as personal beliefs to see what else exists without them. Everything that we think we know is learned. There is a whole universe that extends beyond our unique beliefs. Make the decision to experience life with fresh eyes and vision. When life happens, pay attention to old patterns and make new choices. Release is in becoming more conscious of relationships and how to bring them forth into unity. We need to make space for the real essence of life. We are all being provides a chance to evolve and leap into a more joyful way of living. Embrace the unknown with open curiosity and allow yourself to open to the mystery of Self and Others. Life is an exciting adventure even in the most still of moments. Change the paradigm!
God Bless, Sharon Hartnett LMT
Mindful bodywork can help you deepen awareness.
740 966-5153
Massage and vitamin D
Being a Massage Therapist, I listen to the concerns of my clients.
Lately, one of the things that I have heard from some of my elderly clients is that they are facing some real challenges like: osteoporosis, hypertension, and auto-immune symptoms. When this is the case, they generally feel imbalanced, have intestinal concerns, and fall into virus illnesses for long periods. I do recommend strongly that they make a commitment to further speak to their physician if problems continue because sometimes it could be an easy issue to resolve like taking the correct dosage of Vitamin D.
People over 50 can benefit from knowing their Vitamin D level. Vitamin D balances the blood and helps metabolize calcium and phosphorous. Lately I have been reading that when the correct dosage is taken that the immune system functions much better. Some of the articles also state that it can help prevent cancer.
Only certain food groups such as certain fish and cheeses contain Vitamin D, so it is important to look for foods that are enriched if you are low. When you visit your physician, and you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, ask that he/she check your Vitamin D levels. If you are off, he/she will prescribe the best dosage for you. Another easy way to receive Vitamin D is to take a step outside and enjoy the sun. Vitamin D is taken in this way.
Make sure you don’t go off on your own and over supplement. Too much vitamin D can have some negative effects such as: kidney stones, calcium deposits, nausea and confusion.
While all personal information is shared in the massage room, I like to share trends that show up in the massage room that are easy to help. While my job is to help and support through massage touch and energy therapy, many of my clients educate me on what works best for them. Balanced Vitamin D levels seems to have shown positive results!
So if you are in the over 50 crowd, and feeling a little out of sorts, make sure that you discuss with your physician all your symptoms and ask about Vitamin D.
Take in a little sunshine
Feel well and take good care of yourself.
Sharon Hartnett LMT
740 966-5153
Massage Your Feet at Home
How Can You Massage Your Feet?
One of the concerns expressed by some clients who get massage, structural integration and craniosacral therapy is that after a few days, their bodies start to go back into the old habit of movement.
My observation, especially after working with the fascia for so long, is that people continue to change after the session. Once the fasica has been touched or manipulated in any way, it changes the rest of the continuous web of connective tissue that envelopes the body. After a 10 series of SI, the body has been taken into new places from different angles and various degrees of depth to bring the body back into structural integrity. The body is then in a work of process for many months while the body learns to integrate in a new way.
However, during sessions, while the work in my personal opinion, can be life altering, not everything can be “fixed”. Often clients do come in wanting to feel great after a session or two with strong expectations. While Massage and Bodywork can do wonders, it does take time create the habits that result in your personal posture. So, it is helpful to think that it takes time and also personal responsibility to shift imbalances into correction. The body will shift and remold if you receive good work and re-educate the physical with new movement.
What I would like to recommend today is to take a look at your feet. If you are walking around on the earth with stiff feet, how are you going to create positive change in the rest of your body. We are so accustomed to wearing shoes for running, walking, playing that we have forgotten how to feel the natural movement of the naked foot on the ground. In order to find balance in your body, explore your foot and how it rests on the ground. Listen to the stiff areas and become mindful of how you relate as a whole to your feet.
Once you have a good idea of how your feet feel and move, look for ways to improve mobility, range of motion and flexibility. An easy thing to do is to stand on one foot and build strength in the line of your leg. Personally, I like to practice foot relationship on a body roller that is cut in half. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to play on, and only a few minutes each day can make a profound change in how you walk.
Free your feet!
Each morning, start your day by placing your foot on this roller and explore with different positions to release foot tension. Notice how the alignment in your whole body starts to shift as your heels come down or your arch begins to relax. You might feel so much better than you feel like your feet have been massaged for an hour:) There are also good sport classes such as gyrotonics and tai chi that will help you reconnect to the feet better as well!
When you visit your favorite Massage Therapist or bodyworker, she will have a much easier time getting into the foot and the more relaxed tissues of the leg.
Massage is a great way to awaken and open the body, but taking personal responsibility on a daily basis for physical change exponentially impacts the body in a healthy way. This foot exercise is an easy way to begin self-care for your posture.
If you have any further questions, call Sharon Hartnett LMT for a free 15 minute phone consult.
Sharon Hartnett LMT
740 966-5153
For a ball roller, look at:
Massage in Columbus and Grounding
Often people will speak about grounding and yet there is no great definition for what that means.
How do you interpret “Grounding”? Is it a thought? Is it a feeling or a sensation?
At Lighten Up Therapies, the interpretation that we take of grounding is that of “feeling alive in ones body”.
How does one feel vital and strong?
Mindfulness is key to revitalization and restoration. Have you ever had a massage and the simple act of being rubbed and touched left you feeling more connected and relaxed. Yet at the same time…more energy is being transmitted up and down the body and throughout the cells and tissues. Touch reminds the body of new movements and opens up the fascia to enhance flow.The transportation of nutrients being delivered and the removal of waste keeps the body nourished and maintained. The nervous system is recharged and the muscles feel deeply relaxed. Many different levels of our anatomy and physiology are positively affected through ongoing massage.
During a massage session, many clients will fall asleep and that can be wonderful. At the same time, there is also a good opportunity to learn to maintain the benefits by bringing attention to what is organically showing up during the session instead. When clients resource differently with attention, new choices may be made that will actually help the body shift in more efficient movement.
Either way, take some time out of your day to find your grounding. If massage isn’t an option, try walking in nature with inward awareness. Breath in the air and notice how it moves through you and supports you. Pay attention to how your feet hit the ground and feel your alignment in relationship to gravity. There are many ways to nourish with mindful awareness. Find your unique technique to help you feel enlivened and fulfilled.
Sharon Hartnett LMT
Life is Yours for the Taking
It’s a friendly Universe. Life is always presenting opportunities for us to learn, grow and evolve.
If you are looking for support, look toward Craniosacral Therapy!
Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792
Columbus, Ohio