If you are still looking for chronic pain relief… you have probably already tried many conventional means to no avail.

How about giving yourself a new option with Cranosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy (CST)  offers a gentle, yet effective method that releases tension deep in the body. Over time,  CST’s effects can be expansive and life changing.  By listening deeply to the body’s Central Nervous System’s physiological processes through subtle palpation, a CST therapist can find and treat misalignments, chronic pain areas, sore muscles and nerve pain conditions.  Craniosacral Therapy has also been known to help with conditions like: Fibromyalgia, MS, migraines, sports injuries, neck and back pain, along with others acquired from trauma based accidents or experiences.

A good article from one of Upledger’s teacher for more information that I recommend in Massage Magazine is:  http://www.massagetoday.com/mpacms/mt/article.php?id=13489

I have found that clients who only partially recovered with general massage have found longer lasting pain relief with CST.  Just Recently,  a new client after about 5 sessions excitedly told me that her body was feeling “great”.   I know from her intake that this was a huge shift. The reason for this is that rather than focusing mostly on the muscles, the CST therapist is dialoguing with the internal wisdom of the brain, spinal cord, and surrounding tissues and cerebrospinal fluid.  By doing this, the intelligence within can be expressed to promote health and wellbeing.

Pain Relief

Pain Relief


The body returns to it inherent self-correcting healing abilities by being supported by healthier fluid dynamics, structural integration and optimal CNS functioning.

If you are looking for something that can help you relax and rest better or on the opposite spectrum create more energy and vitality,  this might be your best alternative. Through its balancing effects,  clients often walk away feeling refreshed, more grounded, and pain-free.

Sharon Hartnett CST, LMT, SI, Brennan Healing Science

(740) 966-5153
