Why do people feel so great after Massage?

In my opinion, it all boils down to connection.

Touch is such a key component to our health.  It really is fundamental to life and happiness.  So are we getting enough of it?  
Increasingly, people are looking outside of their normal daily lives to find this type of connection in a safe and healing environment. Approximately 35 million Americans have found their way to massage.



The depth of Touch type of Therapies can go way beyond releasing physical pain and discomfort.  

Massage Therapy can support a person when compassionate and invigorating contact is absent from life.  I think in this day and age,  many people have forgotten what it is like to hug, to hold hands or just to reach out a reassuring hand.  With this type of connection missing- it’s easy to become isolated, to ignite feelings of frustration, fear, and anger.  It’s easier to stay in conflict with a family member, friend or associate when touch is not involved. The intimacy of safe touch is literally sorely missed when absent in relationships.  

Massage Therapy can help relax the body, the mind and spirit.  When appropriate and intentional contact happens, it’s amazing how much better one can feel.  The blueprint of your genetic expression can actually alter toward wellbeing.

There is nothing better than feeling relaxed, fluid and energized at the same time.
