Every person has the capacity to heal.  Sometimes physically, and sometimes not.  But there is always room to a find more deep connection, peace and a sense of faith of Self.

This is the way I approach helping my clients to heal.  The modality I primarily use is the Craniosacral System.  That is because it is closely tied with the nervous system and is such a great way to help bring the mind back into balance internally.  When the mind and body are in harmony, it’s easier to access the Inner Wisdom necessary for health and wellbeing.

Some people have a strong sense of qi or essence that helps one to turn around a disease process easily.  Other people, by the time they reach me, their systems are fading.  This does not mean that they won’t get better, but it does usually take more of a concerted effort to get back onto the path of  wellness.

Craniosacral Therapy, from my perspective supports self-nourishment using Upledger techniques to help the body be at its best.  What a therapist can do is share what we sensing and feeling if you are curious.  But no person can tell you if you will heal in a certain way.  It’s truly up to how you as a “Whole”person address your journey and Inner Resources.

I often suggest doing about 5 sessions to evalueate is the Craniosacral Therapy is right for you.  It’s almost always helpful, with very few contraindications.  And often enough I have witnesssed many people learn, grow, and feel better with just a few visits.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D Upledger

703 509-1792



craniosacral therapy