Getting Ready for my Fourth Training in Coaching with Equine Therapy
It’s been an exciting journey learning how to work as a Coach for people interested in learning leadership skills by sharing space with horses. At the Spirit of Leadership program, I have had the opportunity to find new ways to help shape my program that will be starting in Columbus Ohio in the summer of 2014 to support people wanting to move in the direction of self-discovery, deepening into healthier relationships, walking a spiritual path and wanting to integrate all of this into their daily lives. By experiencing and observing the “way of the horse”, we can be taught so much on how to embody our strengths and live by our values in a meaningful way.
In our last module we set up an obstacle course with the intention of finding a way to move through our own personal and group blocks in order to release whatever stood in our way. Each group set up their unique configuration and we all worked together to find a way to creatively use all of our qualities and efforts to transverse what was set in front of us. It was fun, spontaneous, and effortless when we dropped our judgments and learned to move together as a cohesive unit. Not only did we grow in our human relationships, but the wisdom of the horses mirrored back to us where we needed to go to make our objectives become real. We were able to gain insight in our minds, as well as with a full body inter-related sense of the movement.
As a licensed Massage Therapist, a dedicated healer facilitator and educator, and a Hakomi Practitioner, it has been wonderful to bring the aspect of Nature and Horses into the Healership. I have found that by working with either one horse or many, that a certain magic takes place in how healing information is brought into our full bodied consciousness. Nothing brings me more pleasure than to be in service to the evolution of each person, sentient being and every aspect of Nature. It is with the Sacred movement between earth and spirit that we find truth and meaning in our lives.
I am looking forward to the next summer to coach with some of the Tellington Touch work I have learned, and in helping individuals, and groups to trust and grow from the deeper intelligence of life through contact with the horses and their herd.
Wisdom of the Horse