I know that most people don’t even know what fascia is…

That’s why I have been talking about fascia on my blog here and also in Florida www.integrativesoulandbodywork.com.  There is so much new information coming out about the importance of fascia and how much the quality of its health determines how we are feeling and living.

If you haven’t ever had a visual of this living tissue, I have found a great youtube clip that I would like to share here:


Fascia may not look like much to you, but this material is what enables you to support your bodies in everything that you do.  This continuous fabric of life envelops all the organs, bones, muscles and allows communication and nourishment so that we can exist.  This is very exciting that we are now looking closer at and understanding the importance of fascia in our everyday living.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST  

(740) 966-5153  in Columbus Ohio

Certified Advanced Craniosacral Therapist integrating Structural Integration and CST to help you feel aligned on every level!