Don’t let Injuries and postural challenges derail you!

In this day and age, fitness is getting easier.

Find out more about Structural Integration and how it can help you to feel better.

One of the goals of a Structural Integration program is to improve one’s flexibility through fascial stretching, as well and increasing balance and strength. It’s our habits that keep us out of shape and in pain.  That can be changed!  Opening up and freeing the soft fascial tissues can change your life dramatically.

The ten series plan includes bodywork, education and mindfulness in order to find optimal health.  With seniors as a focus, it is important to start small and with light fascial contact to find the magic of life in small movements.  If you are feeling tight and stressed, realize that it is never too late to start some type of self- care program to reconnect with your vitality and wellness.  After each session, you will receive a few homework exercises to help you continue to enliven your connective tissues, allowing space for better circulation, lymph flow,  and natural alignment.

Here in the United States, we have learned to believe that getting older means bending over and surrendering to being more limited in our lives.   Our lifestyles have supported this by shaping our bodies into unhealthy patterns through the mechanical supports we use rather than finding away to live from our core.  We sit most of the day with chairs holding us up, we move forwards in space most of the time while walking, and we learn to bend from areas away from our natural hinges.  With the series,  you gain a more thorough understanding of what no longer works from a sensory perspective, but more importantly, how to change your movement to reflect more ease in your life on many different levels.

If you have received a series of massage and bodywork before, you are in for a treat.

Let our hands guide you into a sense of freedom and more youthful vibrant energy.

Massage Columbs

Structural Integration


Call Sharon Hartnett:

(740) 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio