Practicing Loving Kindness

When I think about the unhappiness in the world, one of the first themes that comes to me is “want”.  Wanting something is a natural thing as a human being,  “I’d like a cup of coffee” or “I’d like you to hug me”.  Being physical beings, we like to be reconnected to that which appears to be outside of ourselves.  Yet “want” also implies that the something outside of ourselves is separate.  When we believe that we are in “need”, we are creating the belief of separation.  Now that can be wonderful as long as life is joyful and fulfilling.  However, what happens when we “want” something and don’t get it?  How far will we go to have our desires met?  And how necessary is it for our self-care for us to have the outside object?

When we make the choice to be thankful, we are saying to God or the Universe-  I am here and I have everything I need.  There is no suffering in this.  By acknowledging what is present,  we can let go of our pasts and our projections into the future.  Life is easier.  By giving thanks to life, it’s easier to feel peace and love.

Now I am not saying that it is wrong to “want” something,  but if it is distressing you, or you find yourself “demanding”,  a good question might be, “Am I loving my life?”  If not, maybe the best direction is to appreciate what is in front of me, and start from there.

Giving Thanks is an act of kindness for yourself, for others, and for all that exists.

An exercise that might be helpful is to recognize what you do give thanks for and to say it softly each night before you go to sleep.  Then notice how your dreams take shape, and how your life turns around.

Thank you God for all that I have received, and all that I can give, and all that I AM!

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Spiritual Brennan Healer

SomatoEmotional Release Therapist

740 966-5153

Johnstown, Ohio

Upper Arlington, Ohio