Help my headache go away!

Headaches show up for a variety of reasons… What’s important for you to know is that there are some things that can be very helpful for headache relief, and one of those things is Craniosacral Massage Therapy.


Help your headache with Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy for Headache Relief!

With Craniosacral Therapy, the therapist first tunes into the whole body by listening to the Craniosacral rhythm and palpating the fascial restrictions and tension. Through the practiced light touch of Craniosacral Therapy, one feels supports and follows the internal body wisdom to  help the fascia soften… lengthen,  often following with the body feeling more energized. With the intention of helping to sooth the headache, the next thing a seasoned therapist will do after listening to the entire body is to go to the diaphragms and release the tight layers. Since the body’s fascia is continuous, it’s important to make sure that other sources away from the head are freed up too.

When that is accomplished, one of the best techniques to release pain in the head is to Release the Cranial Base. This technique feels wonderfully therapeutic and often clients breathe a sigh of release when this is done:

1.The first aspect of this technique is to position the fingertips gently into the soft tissue posterior to the atlas (C1) as the tension melts away.
2.Next, the fingertips form a platform with straight fingers that aim towards the ceiling and then towards the eyes. This may be a little sore due to tightness, but to most people, it is the kind of feeling that feels quite good. Eventually the head will drop down into the hands and the atlas floats freely.
3.Part three of the Occipital Base Release aims to release the occiput from the atlas. This is accomplished by tractioning the occiput superiorly, while making sure that C1 stays stable.
4.To make this release even better, the hands continue to hold the head while fingertips spread the condyles laterally which effectively open restrictions along the cranial base and around the foramen magnum.
5.The final touch includes a gentle release of the dural tube with a delicate traction.
This whole process of working with the Cranial Base allows better flow through the Cranial Vault. It relieves pressure from along the major nerves. In addition to this wonderful new opening, a Stillpoint would be included. It also helps to alleviate pain and strengthen the nervous system’s balance. The Upledger Institute sells a Stillpoint Red Tool that I highly recommend for clients to buy for in between sessions. With about 10 minutes per day, there should be a significant improvement with headache pains.


Check into the Stillpoint Inducer at this link to help you maintain a Pain Free life: Stillpoint inducer


Sharon Hartnett CST   740 966-5153

Now Serving the Columbus Ohio area!