Back Pain

Have you ever had a massage, then gotten up off the table and still had back pain? That’s because it’s often the case that the front absominal area needs to be addressed too. The soft belly in the front!

Massage is focused on muscles. Yet- let’s not forget that there are also organs inside which are extremely important as well.  Learning anatomy and how the organs move is essential to releasing all the tension in this cavity. Sometimes the intestines or the kidneys (or other organs) can be stuck,  causing less than optimal functioning and contributing to back pain.  Relieving tension in the belly almost always helps the back and promote better functioning all around.  

Visceral Manipulation, as taught by the Barral Institute has remedied belly and back issues for many of my clients.  Listening and supporting proprioceptive communication amonst the viscera turns the body back into support mode.  Motion and healthy relationship between the organs nurtures better health.  

Visceral Manipulation is not massage, but rather a form of bodywork. There are massage therapists, PT’s, nurses, doctors and other manual therapists who use these techniques.  Osteopath Jean-Pierre created this work to move these tools out into the world to help deepen and share the benefits.  Check out the Barral Institute for more information.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D has been incorporating Visceral Work into her Craniosacral Work for many years.  She has taken the first four levels and the listening classes through the Institute.

For more questions, please feel free to call Sharon at (703 509-1792)

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio

5564 Mink St.  Johnston, Ohio


Visceral Manipulation
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