Do your Feet Hurt? How about a wonderful Foot Massage to sooth away the pain?
When your feet feel good, you feel good. Foot massage will not only help undo knots and tension in your feet, but also helps bring comfort to your whole body.
- Having your feet rubbed helps with circulation and is especially advantageous for people experiencing neuropathy in their legs.
- It’s wonderful in how well it alleviates cramped feet discomfort and chronically tight leg muscles.
- From a structural perspective, when the foot is balanced, we stand better in relationship to gravity. Our posture improves from foot to the top of the head.
- Reflexologists state that there are certain areas of nerve innervation that when worked will enhance the corresponding parts of the body.
- Stimulates the Lymphatic System to carry away waste.
Massage Columbus Ohio
Ask your massage therapist to spend a little extra time on your feet!
For additional information, check out this Dr. Weil link:
Sharon Hartnett LMT