The by-product of Stress may be affecting you in ways that you don’t even know.
Long-term chronic stress can contribute to experiences such as: digestive problems, sleeplessness, anxiety, anger, headaches and decreased immune function.
If you are finding yourself in ongoing stress, it’s time to take charge of your life with some new choices. Believe it or not- you have the ability to shift your thinking and to re-orient how your respond to life’s challenges.
Some relaxation techniques that are easy to do:
Yoga-This mixture of exercise, mindfulness and poses can quiet the mind and enhance the body’s vitality.
Visualization- When you find yourself reaching your limit, think about positive serene places that feel emotionally supportive and nurturing to you. Some examples may be your pet, a beach, or a meditative retreat. Changing your thinking can help you break the patterns of stress.
Massage and Bodywork- Nothing feels better than having someone knead, and treat tight muscles and to unwind the fascial restrictive patterns of stress. When the body lengthens and feels more fluidity, so does the mind. Craniosacral Therapy and Structural Integration are especially helping in alleviating stress from the body and emotionally.
Tensing and Relaxing Muscles Alternately
Meditation-Allowing the thoughts to arise and flow can be very quieting for the mind body connection.
Music can be very therapeutic and help shift a person into relaxation easily.
Slowing down with Intention and becoming mindful of the moment can help us to feel calmer and more peaceful.
Exercise- The body’s communication system during a workout is more sharp and active. Question Your Thinking with Byron Katie’s 4 questions:
Spiritual Work and transformation
Change Your Stress Habits
Reducing stress can:
Reduce activity of stress hormones
Lower blood pressure
Increase blood flow
Decrease tension and pain levels
Regulate the nervous system more efficiently
Promote better health
Relieve Depression Symptoms
Take time to re-focus your life. You deserve the best!