Being a Massage Therapist, I listen to the concerns of my clients.
Lately, one of the things that I have heard from some of my elderly clients is that they are facing some real challenges like: osteoporosis, hypertension, and auto-immune symptoms. When this is the case, they generally feel imbalanced, have intestinal concerns, and fall into virus illnesses for long periods. I do recommend strongly that they make a commitment to further speak to their physician if problems continue because sometimes it could be an easy issue to resolve like taking the correct dosage of Vitamin D.
People over 50 can benefit from knowing their Vitamin D level. Vitamin D balances the blood and helps metabolize calcium and phosphorous. Lately I have been reading that when the correct dosage is taken that the immune system functions much better. Some of the articles also state that it can help prevent cancer.
Only certain food groups such as certain fish and cheeses contain Vitamin D, so it is important to look for foods that are enriched if you are low. When you visit your physician, and you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, ask that he/she check your Vitamin D levels. If you are off, he/she will prescribe the best dosage for you. Another easy way to receive Vitamin D is to take a step outside and enjoy the sun. Vitamin D is taken in this way.
Make sure you don’t go off on your own and over supplement. Too much vitamin D can have some negative effects such as: kidney stones, calcium deposits, nausea and confusion.
While all personal information is shared in the massage room, I like to share trends that show up in the massage room that are easy to help. While my job is to help and support through massage touch and energy therapy, many of my clients educate me on what works best for them. Balanced Vitamin D levels seems to have shown positive results!
So if you are in the over 50 crowd, and feeling a little out of sorts, make sure that you discuss with your physician all your symptoms and ask about Vitamin D.
Take in a little sunshine
Feel well and take good care of yourself.
Sharon Hartnett LMT
740 966-5153