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Craniosacral Therapy

Massage Therapist

Sharon Hartnett LMT ( licensed massage therapist ), CST (Cranialsacral Therapist)  is a nationally licensed professional Massage Therapist with over 16 years of experience, who specializes in pain relief, posture re-alignment and mindful body awakening.  What this mean for you is that she works holistically to bring you back to center and feeling better in your body.

When you come in for a session, the first 15 minutes is oriented toward intake and learning about your history and what brings you into the office.  This is offered for free during the first massage session so that your needs and background can be expressed.  No rushing within this timeframe.  The quality of the sharing helps Sharon to set a basic format for the session, yet at the same time stay open to the moment for whatever needs to happen during the table work.

The three areas where Sharon focuses are the:

  1. Fascial System
  2. Craniosacral System
  3. The Energy System

The fascia is key is helping to relieve physical pain.  It is the material that holds all the contents in your body together.  Without it,  we would be a liquid puddle on the floor.  That’s how important the fascia is to our wellbeing.  By listening and following the fascial diaphragms and layers, it’s easy to hydrate and differentiate the tissues to allow the body to release and come back into natural balance.  It also helps circulation, lymphatic flow, and basic body dialogue to enhance overall body functioning.

The Craniosacral Therapy is geared toward listening to the activity around the brain and the spinal cord.  By following the cranium’s bones rhythmic motion of the cerebral spinal fluid,  one can support the body, especially the nervous system, to balance and feel enlivened. 

The body is full of energy movement.  Whether it be the liquids, the nervous systems or connection between the organs.  When there is a block, it feels disordered.  By connecting and releasing the “energy cysts” one can restore vitality and flow.   This can feel like pressure is relieved or that more space is available for the body to relax.

Sharon Hartnett has been a practicing massage therapist columbus.  Her current locations are in Upper Arlington and Johnstown, Ohio.

If you would like more information, please call (740) 966-5153 for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Website:  www.massageincolumbusohio.com

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