Myofascial Release therapy is focused on the attention given to improving the posture and flexibility in the body.

Who can benefit from this type of work?

Myofascial Massage is very beneficial for chronic pain issues, body imbalances, as well as people suffering from stiffness and lack of range of motion.  Working with the fascia can help those with autism,  people who have experienced trauma and others living with arthritis. No matter what sport you play or activity in which you engage, athletes who are wanting to improve their performance by finding better length in lines and movement often find enhanced performance.  In my practice, I have seen myofascial work truly helps people to feel more energized and in tune with their functionality.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

How is myofascial massage different than typical swedish massage?

This type of work is definitely different than typical massage.  When working with fascia, the massage therapist does not use a lubricant.  This is so we can differentiate between the layers of fascia to unravel and and help release restrictions in the tissues and along the spine.  The goal is to stretch and loosen the body so that all the organs and other structures can let go in their most optimal and relaxed position. Many times clients say that this work last longer.  They feel dramatically different, especially after a 10 series of Structural Integration.

How does Myofascial Work help specifically with Sports Performance?

In regards to Sports Performance,  myofascial release can help give athletes that extra edge. Often when people train hard, they can get into repetitive habits.  By touching into the various different fascial planes of the fascial web, the body opens to newer movements throughout. There is a functional and structural connection between all of the body’s soft and hard tissues. By addressing the whole body,  motion gains better relationship to gravity again and again.  Athletes young and old can benefit from myofascial work.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, Si

Columbus, Ohio

740 966-5153