Neck Pain can occur for numerous reasons.

It could be the aftermath effect of an accident, poor postural strain,  a pinched nerve or the result of an illness. Whatever the reason for your pain and discomfort, what matters most is finding the best method that will work to help alleviate your symptoms.

There are some basic things that you can do at home:

  • Taking a warm epsom bath full of Magnesium Sulfate can help wonders.
  • Put two tennis balls in a sock and place them on the back of the neck while lying on the ground.  Relax.
  • Place your hand on the back of your neck and press where it hurts.  Stretch slowly and gently away in the areas that feels good.  Overstreching could make it feel worst so listen to your body.
  • Ask your sports trainer to give you some strength building exercises.  Very important for long-term recovery.
  • Breath and gently turn head in easy directions that are unusual.  Various planes of motion benefit.
  • Use a Stillpoint Inducer from Upledger for a minute or so, thereafter increasing time each day to help diminish pain.
  • Buy a neck traction machine and use as needed.
  • Eat healthy foods and exercise.  Stay away from processed food and perhaps check in with a functional physician or nutritionist to make sure you are using food as medicine.  Changing your diet can help fight against arthritis.
Neck Pain Relief

Neck Pain Relief

Things that you can do outside of this are:

  • Find a good Physical Therapist who does manual work as well as giving you exercises.
  • Swedish Massage helps with Circulation and Lymphatic Flow.
  • Find a Structural Integration Therapist who works with posture and movement to help you getting better aligned.
  • Craniosacral Therapy helps to relieve dysfunction along the spine and cranium, often helping to relieve pain symptoms.
  • Chiorpractors vary in their methods as much as Massage Therapists.  Ask questions and state what you want.  Some can apply abrupt moves and others can manipulate much more gently.
  • Myofascial Massage works with the muscles and the fascia primarily.  By lengthening the layers releasing trigger points and knots, clients often feel much better.
  • Sometime emotional issues needs to be expressed.  Speak with a healer or counselor about what is going on in your life and work towards resolution.

Listening to your body and taking a holistic approach to health is your best option.  If you are suffering from neck pain,  take this opportunity to turn it around.  There is no reason why you should neglect your self-care!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI, Brennan Healer

740 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio





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