In order to best help my clients to recharge, I ask them to get involved in their Craniosacral sessions by bringing self-awareness to their bodies with mindfulness.

Most people are so busy with their days, they forget to pay attention to their body signals that tell them something is off.  These accumulate until one day pain cries out “OUCH”.  Something hurts.

By bringing clients into the process each session and giving them stretches and exercises, people can be empowered to shift body patterns and habits to reduce pain.  Craniosacral Therapy, Structural Integration and different types of massage can be wonderful when experienced occasionally, but giving yourself the gift of learning to listen to your mind, body and spirit connection can bring long lasting change verses an hour of feeling good.

Working with the body in an intuitive gentle manner,  Craniosacral Therapy helps clients to balance and find deeper grounding.  Often I find clients falling asleep because of the need for rest, only to wake up feeling refreshed and more keenly aware of their center and relationships.  For clients who stay awake,  often feelings and sensations are  processed in a way that leaves them feeling more free and clear in their thinking and feeling.  I like to think of Craniosacral Therapy with my clients as a supportive method of facilitating self-correction with the wisdom of the body.  Systems that are overly reved up quiet down.  Clients who feel stuck mostly let go of their burdens and restrictions.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapist Sharon Hartnett

If you are looking to recharge and feel more alive in your life, Craniosacral Therapy may be the tool to help open you up!  The first thing you can do is make a commitment to waking up to your health and wellness.

Loving Craniosacral Therapy.  Clients love the positive results they experience with this work.

Sharon Hartnett CST, LMT, SI    740 966-5153