Are you interested in Self-Discovery?
How about entering the world of horses with a totally new outlook?
New Beginnings in the Presence of Horses
I am not sure how this whole new divergent thread in my life began, but something inside me said, “wouldn’t it be lovely to find a beautiful farm for my husband and I to retire.” I had a vague notion of reconnecting with horses, but was a bit reluctant to fully tell my husband because of the great responsibility of taking care of these noble friends. But as life has a will of it own, my longing and life in its own wild ways has opened up a whole new doorway for me to discover how to be more human as well as be in reverent service to life. With gratitude to the presence of our horse friends, the old constructs of life are falling away, and my eyes experience Spirit freshly through the Nature of Horse.
Many of us have at some point or another experienced other animals as being inferior to us. As with the way of things, Human Beings during the last few centuries have learned to dominate and shape the earth for the most part according to what supports our lifestyles and decisions. At this point in the spectrum of time however, many educators, therapists, and coaches are delving into the expanding field of “animal” communication. It is very exciting at this point of our evolution to re-examine how we can live more closely in mutuality with other creatures for not only their growth, but for ours as well. It is by re-inserting ourselves back into the web of inter-connection that we can have hope to improve our futures and that of the planet earth. When we find deeper contact with ourselves, our relationships begin to shift as well.
While I have experienced great joy working with dolphins, lions, tigers, and bears with my work, the spark of my heart is now to bring the great teaching that come from living with the horse to people who are interested in a whole new way of “Self-Discovery”. I have created a template of belief and movement on the farm to view horses as our “equal partners” on this planet we call our home. Our retreat here is being planned to open this summer to introduce daily and weekend workshops opening the pathway for learning through “Communicating with the horses.” Entering the Equine world with a certain naiveté will change the life of those who have little experience to those who have been riding all their lives. The more empty the mind of preconceptions, the more possibilities can enter. Yet, even if you are the sort that longs to confront and challenge thought, the horses guidance always finds a way to melt your heart and bring a greater depth of understanding to your life.
Learning about power, intimacy, confidence and independence by playing with horses.
Here on the farm, life shows us a simpler way to live within the balance of life. The horses, when given freedom to experience themselves, offer us new perspectives of life on how to resolve conflicts, to play without inhibition, and to find our own inner authority and leadership skills. In the lack of words, a look… a movement will express exactly what we need to know in the moment.
If you are feeling drawn to a more “nature” based method of self-discovery…consider befriending the world of horses with us here in Johnstown, Ohio. We will be offering 1:1 facilitation and also group and herd experiences. Our retreats will be offered with walking meditation, interface with the horses, touch experiences, and also through developing intuitive understanding of energy dynamics. If you are interested, as part of the equine therapy process, we will offer touch and bodywork upon request and with certain curriculums. This is an evolutionary concept where seeds have been planted, and the fruits of the creative process have taken root. The horses are the teachers and we are the eager students receiving the learning. We are excited to take the journey with you into the world of Horses!
For more information, call:
Call: 740 966-5153
Based on the teachings of Jackie Stevenson at:
and what I learned at Tellington TTouch with Linda Tellington.