Knee injury is one of the most common sports related reasons that bring patients to the doctors office.

knee injury

knee injury


Be proactive if you feel any pain, notice popping sounds, see any swelling or can’t walk properly.  It is important that you don’t put off getting the proper treatment for knee injury if you want to avoid long-term negative repercussions.  If you are fortunate, with your physician’s recommendation, you can apply basic first aid, and take some Ibuprofen and everything will heal nicely.  However, you don’t have to stop there.  Structural Integration with its fascial massage can be very helpful in alleviating any stress around the knee, the quads, and the hamstrings.  This can be done for minor ailments, or once your doctor recommends if surgery if needed.  The body is miraculous at healing itself.  However, the new tissue that is laid is not going to give you the same mobility you once had in many cases unless the fascia is spread, balanced and lengthens, allowing for more natural alignment.

If you are interested in playing sports and performing to your optimal level,  Structural Integration can be very helpful in supporting you to relate movement to your activities with higher performance.

Working with the fascia can be done starting with the superficial layers to help ease the pain around the joint.   As the work is deepened, it unlocks habitual patterns, and also those that resulted from the injuries.  Often clients feel the positive effects from doing a series of session more than with other types of basic massage.  That is because the adhesions and rotations, once they are released, stay that way,  allowing for more freedom and flexibility.

If you have had a knee injury and are looking for a therapy that can make a difference, call Sharon Hartnett LMT at 740 966-5153 in  Columbus, Ohio.