Listening with Craniosacral Therapy

In Daily life,  most people stay busy, and it’s easy to become distracted.

One of the best things that I like best about Craniosacral Therapy, is that it creates a sacred space for silence.  During a session, clients lay on a table fully clothed, close their eyes, and relax.  Stress is let go. In the quiet of the moment, many layers of consciousness have the time and ability to arise and be expressed.  For many people, this means that they have a unique opportunity to be mindful, introspective and have an experiential of unfolding.  Wonderful healing can take place, along with integration and growth.


I believe that this state of Grace in awakening is always available to us, however; it’s easy to miss due all the things we schedule or how we decide to live.  It is in our best interest to balance action with receiving,  thereby giving us the chance to live in “Being”.

As a Certified Craniosacral Therapist,  my priority is to align with “listening” and help my clients to find their Inner Physician through resonance.  What this means is that I focus on the CST rhythm primarily as it allows me to emphasize around the brain and spinal cord and how they relate to the rest of the body.  By supporting balance, strength, rate and symmetry, the client optimizes through inner dialogue in the moment.  In many instances, one can feel this as the therapeutic pulse picks up and sounds its healing potential.  In other cases, tissues release and energy is flows or an electrical buzz travels under the fingers.  In addition to the CSR (Craniosacral Rhythm), there are so many other things going on that intuition can lead me towards-the beating of the heart, the way the body moves with each inhale and exhale,  the sound that loudens or softens as the body changes,  all of these have a voice that the wisdom of the body is ready to reveal.  By using the fascia and the bones as my prime manual tools,  change is encouraged and a sense of wellbeing is the end result.

Another reason why I recommend Craniosacral Therapy to many people is that it is very gentle.  This type of hands on therapy can be used during pregnancy, right after birth to seniors with sensitive skin and/or health issues.  We use about a nickels worth of pressure until the tissue takes us deeper.  No forcing or tough manipulating.  Yet believe it or not-  profound change can occur through this quiet listening and supporting through the craniosacral system.

If you are needing some help with energizing, or quieting CST is quite helpful.  If you are in pain- helping restrictions or adhesions to dissolve opens the pathways to healthier dialogue.  The body is a whole being and awakening it to its possibilities is exciting as it brings one back to center and wellness.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

614 372-6598