Sleep Soundly at Night with Craniosacral Therapy

Sleep brings us restoration and clarity.

It’s time for bed.  It would be nice to have your 7-9 hours of sleep so that you can feel refreshed the following morning.  But the obsessive thoughts about work or your relationships swirl around your brain non-stop.   Maybe it’s too noisy or the ambient light in the room is keeping you up.  It could be you are hungry or your hormones are out of whack.  Whatever the problem, you aren’t getting the rest you need.

There are some easy fixes to this.  Shorten your naps to 20 minutes or less.  Turn a fan or white noise machine on, go get a healthy snack, turn off the blue light technology in the room, seal your mattress against mites, buy pillows for comfort just to name a few.  But if after all of this, you still are not finding the rest you need, consider finding a certified Craniosaral Therapist through the Upledger Institute to help you to sleep and feel better.  Good sleep is crucial to our health.

One of the best benefits that result from Craniosacral Therapy is a balanced Central Nervous System.  The brain and the spinal cord can come back into optimal peak performance.  Any type of stress can be listened to by experienced hands through the Craniosacral System.  This type of gentle work is geared to support your body to find harmony and to use its own inherent process of self-correction.  The body is always looking to respond with a healing response, and this work uses techniques to enhance your own healing power.



Often, after about 5 minutes on the table, many of my clients snooze off quickly.   The Central Nervous System knows when there is connection, and with the techniques, the stress slips away.  Many of my clients have come back to me saying that not only has there pain disappeared, but also that they are sleeping better, eating better, and feeling more upbeat.  And this makes sense because when stress is eliminated,  adrenaline and cortisone won’t keep the body in active alert.

I do have some clients that come in that can’t relax at all.  Their eyes stay wide open or they talk through the whole session.  However, the more work we do together, those things start to slip away, and they begin to quiet down.  It’s like getting a treatment mixed in with a meditation.  And for people who have trauma, Craniosacral Therapy can use SomatoEmotional Release to help support the client to sense and feel more deeply in their bodies.  As this happens, old stressful memories give way to more energy and feeling more vital.

Cranosacral Therapy is a great balancer for helping to restore healthy sleep patterns.  Don’t you deserve to give yourself a good nights rest?  It’s easy to go out and be interested in so many things outside of ourselves, but it is essential to start within first to promote health and wellbeing.  Our lives begin with how we feel.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI, BHSP

703 509-1792

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