Today was the first day of the four day class for Upledger Craniosacral Therapy 2 in Columbus, Ohio 2014.
I really enjoy these opportunities to get involved in bringing this great work to my community.
Every chance I get to Teacher Assist, I jump on it. I always learn something new by hearing the material in a new way, or through interactive experience. Students ask great questions, and their enthusiasm to fine-tune their skills is exciting and inviting. By the end of these courses, many restrictions are removed from the dural tube and the rest of the Craniosacral System which always causes a stir of exciting from the huge shifts in function and sensation. The participants light up and renew their enthusiasm for the work.
The Institute also seems to be revamping it curriculum in my opinion based on feedbacks from students. The techniques seem easier to comprehend, and I already know how beneficial this work is. Now it’s even easier to learn and put into action. Students are anxious to join new study groups and to work towards Certification to increase their skill and ability to help their clients.
My favorite thing about Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is that the touch is so light, yet it is able to help the whole body communicate more efficiently to improve functionality as a whole. CST balances the entire body and revitalizes, restores the resting ability of the parasympathetic system, and encourages flow along the spine and related fascial segments.
Craniosacral Therapy