Soft Pain

With my experience as a Massage Therapist and Bodyworker for over 15 years, I have come to a place of understanding soft pain from a clearer perspective.  Many people have visited my office because they are uncomfortable in their bodies, in either chronic or acute pain, or to better enhance performance of their postural movement. My hope is to help them to relieve pain and to find long-term optimal functionality.

Massage in Columbus

Release your pain through self care and massage.

Pain can stop people from doing the things they want.  One of the ways this may happen is that when something hurts, we can tend to feel or or to try and avoid it.  If the pain is the cause of an accident or something extreme, it makes sense to rest, put some ice on the area of inflammation and take good care.  Often people will tend to continue their lives which is good as movement helps the lymph system to activate.  However, if the posture changes as a result of compensating around the area of pain,  imbalance and unhealthy patterns can take the place and change the relationship of the body to gravity and alignment.  Eventually, these pulls on the fascia and imbalances in the muscles structure may bring about soreness or pain.  Sometimes it creeps up on a person until one day when they move a certain way and everything gets shifted out of place and it really hurts.

How do avoid most extreme pain? Soft pain in our bodies is a very important signal that something is not right.  We are fortunate to have the gentle reminder of pain because it let’s us know that we need to make some new choices to bring back better postural alignment or/and to feel more deeply into our bodies.  For people who actually listen to the quiet signs of their bodies , and decide to take corrective measures proactively, often re-injury can be deflected.  Measures may include: exercise, eating right, bodywork, and even emotional psychotherapy. Often when people let out a good cry or feel deeply into their pain on any level, relief is found.  For example,  have you ever worked out and pushed yourself before it became too much?  Or have you received a deep massage and the sore muscles feel good although it hurts?  The body is an interesting vehicle in which we live because the state of its health depends largely on how we treat ourselves.

When I work with clients with deep pain issues, I let them know right away that our work may take some time.  Most likely, the pain patterns took a while to develop and it may take a 10 series of Structural Integration to bring back the line foundation inherent in the body to consciousness.  Some clients come in with a broken heart, and working through the images and the emotions through energy healing may unravel the unhealthy patterns that are keeping a person stuck in their relationships.  The modality of Craniosacral Therapy allows for listening to the Craniosacral System and following the body’s intelligence to bring more strength and balance to the body.  A good therapist will tell you upfront that most of these issues can’t dissolve in one session, although that can happen.  But as the layers dissipate their tension, the soft pain transforms into joy and more inner peace.

My recommendation as Professional Massage Therapist is that when pain becomes present, pay attention and address it as soon as possible.  If you tend to avoid your pain, or just continue life by ignoring it, most likely the imbalance will show up again in your life. At that time, it may hurt much more.  All of us have intelligent body signals that tell us what needs to be done to feel healthy.  If you have a constant stomach ache, try changing your diet,  if you are working out too hard or injuring yourself, lighten up.  Listen and follow your own wisdom.  For the type of people who tend to not take the time to care for Self,  go treat yourself to massages, personal trainers, and/or nutrition sessions.  We all could use a little help some of the time.

Most importantly,  I have seen over and over that people who tend to address their soft pain straight on mostly recover quicker and easier.  People who care for themselves seem to be happier and in more peace.  Pain doesn’t have to be debilitating.  Pain can often be released when our resistance to good health is dropped and we focus on Self-Care and Self-Awareness.  Pay attention to your body as it is your transportation and mode of experiencing your life.  We each deserve to live a high quality of life.  For more information of healing and bodywork, contact;

Sharon Hartnett LMT

(740) 966-5153

Working In Upper Arlington and opening in Johnstown, Ohio