My wish is that people could understand how wonderfully helpful Craniosacral Therapy is in almost every situation: from large to small.

When a person is living in chronic pain, feeling lost, anxious or afraid. What does that person need? What does he or she really need to feel better? In a world that is based on individuality and independence, its easy to forget that we are all part of the whole and completely interconnected. Both inside our bodies and to everything else in the Universe. The good news for us, is that we are always able to tap into the healing forces that exist at any time, even when we forget or lose touch with our true nature. What this healing looks like as it unfolds we never know, but in the deepest level, we will be changed and feel more deeply connected.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, my number one intention is to listen to the person on my table with my hands, with my heart, and to stay in curiosity with how their Inner Wisdom can help them find their way back to home inside. By melding and blending with the Craniosacral System (CSS), the Central Nervous System gets on board, and lights up the way for self correction and healing. Craniosacral Therapist use a very light touch and trust the body’s ability to heal and know what is best for each person. Sometimes clients can feel this during a session, other times all they can say is that they feel lighter and better at the end of the session or afterwards.

The Craniosacral System consists of the membranes and the fluids around the brain and the spinal cord. The Craniosacral Fluid is constantly being created and reabsorbed back into the blood which creates a flexion and extension movement that can be felt through the body. When a Craniosacral Therapist listen and supports this system, it helps to nourish and balance the CNS and the rest of the body, and helps to remove stress and toxins. Often when this happens, old memories, emotions and sensations arise. Like a wave, the person rides through and the tissues, soften, relax and hydrate The fascia finds new vitality and promotes better health through the continuous tissues within.

If you would like to find out more about Craniosacral Therapy, you can check out the Upledger Institute. Dr. John Upledger created the Institute many years ago, and his osteopathic approach to healing has spread across the world with much success. If you live in the Columbus Ohio area, I offer free 15 minute phone consultations and would be happy to address any of your questions at 703 509-1792

Warmly, Sharon Hartnett CST-D